Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Mindset
Staying positive at the moment might seem like an uphill battle, with a lot of us being placed under new rules, restrictions and time with our family and friends being taken away from us. During a time of uncertainty it is exactly these loved ones we turn to for support so what can you do to stay positive when your normal go to options might not be available?
I’m here to let you know that there are lots of options! If you can introduce some small changes into your every day routine, before you know it you will have created some happy habits and be well on your way to developing a positive mindset. The best part is just by you committing to some of these tips people around you will start to become more positive too. They will pick up on your change in energy and you can even do them as a family to encourage your children or partner to improve their Mindset too.
I’ve outlined my Top 10 Tips for a Positive Mindset below, and will give more detail of each one in turn.
1. Daily Positive Affirmations
2. Look after your Energy
3. Focus on what you Can Control
4. Get Active
5. Practice Gratitude
6. Eat Well and Drink enough Water
7. Spend time in Nature
8. Be Mindful
9. Develop Self Compassion
10. Choose Positive Company
Daily Positive Affirmations
These are positive statements you repeat about your self every day as a way of lifting your mindset and telling your brain that you are strong, enough, loved, capable etc. Just like the Affirmations you have received with this magazine, you can select a statement, or write your own, making sure that it’s in the present tense which is why it typically starts with ‘I am’ or ‘Today’. This ensures that when you say it you are confident and sends the message to your Mind that you are that person already and that it isn’t about hoping or wishing. Scientifically the idea behind repeating these positive statements to yourself is that the repetition results in your beliefs changing to be more positive and that this makes it a lot more likely that you become the person you say you are. Your confidence and self esteem will increase and this helps to support your positive mindset. For best results pick one statement that you really connect with and repeat it to yourself 3 times a day, preferably out loud whilst looking at yourself in the mirror.
Look after your Energy
Being aware of our energy levels, whether this is emotional, mental or physical is so important because it enables us to recognise when we need to take a step back and recharge. Engaging in self care activities and things that lift us up and help us to refuel is a necessity in order to continue functioning and shouldn’t be seen as a luxury. If we start thinking of ourselves as not worthy of recharging we end up feeling guilty about taking time out. This leads to neglecting our energy levels and can result In burn out and overwhelm. If you know what helps you to refuel then factor more time in for that. If you’re not sure then consider what things make you feel more energised afterwards; is it time to yourself or time being social? A lot of the other suggestions in my top tips list will support you with re-energising so they could be a good place to start.
Focus on what you can Control
With so much out of our control at the moment its easy to feel anxious, but if you can focus on what you can control this will help to shift your mindset and reduce any anxiety. Think about whether you can limit your exposure to news or conversations that might be negative and having an impact on your mindset. Focus on what happens in your day that you can control and support your children with this too by offering them choices so they feel empowered.
Get Active
Get your body moving and the endorphins flowing by keeping active. Not only will this make you feel more positive due to chemicals being released but it will also support a healthy lifestyle which in the long term makes you feel better and more on track. Even small steps towards being active are better than nothing. Go for a walk, use the stairs instead of the lift, and when you feel ready increase to a aster walk, a jog or a run. You can get involved in couch to 5k or join virtual dance and fitness classes. Whatever you enjoy doing try to use that as inspiration for getting your body moving.
Practice Gratitude
If you can wake up every day and think of 3 things you feel grateful for (even just 1 thing to start with) you will start your day with a positive mindset. Practicing gratitude helps us to reflect on everything we have that we should appreciate, rather than thinking about things that we lack. This focuses your mind and attention towards abundance which helps to feed a positive mindset. You could even write your gratitude lists down and then you have something to look back on during more challenging times as a reminder for all that you have.
Eat well and Drink enough water
Making sure our bodies get what they need in terms of vitamins, nutrients and hydration is so important. Sometimes when we’re feeling tired or weak it could be that we are liking something in our diet. Reflect on what you eat and whether you get a good balance and try to amend it if you’re not sure. There are lots of supplements available if this is a good option for you but try where possible to get what you need from what you eat. Staying hydrated is also extremely important and we should all be drinking 6-8 glasses of water (or other liquids) a day.
Spend time in Nature
Research has shown that spending time outside helps us to feel more grounded and focuses our minds. It creates opportunities to be mindful and in the moment and is great for children for letting off steam and excess energy. Try and get outside every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes as it really will make a difference to your thoughts.
Be Mindful
Focusing our attention on the present helps to acknowledge thoughts but to let them wash over us. It’s a great way to practice being in the moment and can help us to slow down and reconnect with our bodies. You can use this time to practice mindfulness or to concentrate on your breathing. Only 5-10 minutes a day can make a huge difference to your energy levels, your self awareness and your mindset and as a practice it can form par6 of your daily routine so it becomes more of a habit.
Develop Self Compassion
Life can be hard so cut yourself some slack! Allow yourself to be real, to need to rest, to take. Step back, to reconnect, to say no, to do nothing. Having compassion and kindness towards ourselves rather than making ourselves feel guilty supports a positive mindset as it helps us to refuel when we need to and shows people around us that we value ourselves and our energy. If your friend was worn out and feeling down you would tell her to take it easy and do something for her; it’s time we practice what we preach and make self compassion part of our every day.
Choose Positive Company
The people we surround ourselves with influence the way we think, feel and behave. Research has shown that you become most like the 5 people you spend the most time and energy with, so make sure you choose these people wisely. Think about who you surround yourself with and whether they display the qualities you want for yourself. If they don’t then try and limit the time and energy you give them and instead focus this towards more positive people who are better aligned with your values.
It isn’t about making lots of changes overnight, but instead about increasing your knowledge and awareness so you can introduce small changes, that over time become habits and part of your healthy lifestyle. You want to make sure what you commit to is sustainable and manageable for you otherwise this can impact negatively on your Mindset and instead you can feel like a failure. Pick a couple of tips you feel could really work for you and your family and focus on these. Once you feel comfortable you can select a couple more. Remember you are in control of how you react, so work on your Mindset and keep those vibes high!